Saturday, June 09, 2007

Students In Cuba Await Stipends

Friday, June 8, 2007 - Web posted at 11:08:49 GMT

Students In Cuba Await Stipends

WE students in Cuba have been waiting for our stipends from the Ministry
of Education in Namibia for three months now.

We were supposed to receive our allowances in March but so far nothing.

We have approached our diplomats on numerous occasions but either they
were reluctant to assist or refused to talk to us.

Hence, we decided to make it public because we have exhausted all
diplomatic efforts and also for the Namibian people back home to know
that their sons and daughters are starving.

This problem of money delays has been there since 2003 and it is
becoming a habit for the Ministry to delay our money or not send enough
each year.

We had discussed this problem with the Deputy Minister of Education when
she visited Cuba this year but there is still no change.

She assured us that she would do everything possible in her power for us
to receive our money on schedule.

But, as you know, Namibian or African politicians are often very sweet
when they talk but nothing materialises.

She didn't even send us feedback on the problems we presented to her.

While we are doing everything possible to keep the Namibian flag flying
high by scoring good marks, this financial crisis is severely hampering
our studies and it can make us fail (we are facing final exams) and
repeat the academic year while our motherland is in dire need of
engineers and doctors.

Although we are subjected to this undeserved suffering, we are still
proud of being Namibians.

And we are committed, determined and optimistic that one day Vision 2030
would become reality and it is on our shoulders to make that happen.

Therefore, we are urgently requesting the Ministry to send our stipend
as soon as possible.

Any comments or suggestions should be forwarded to this e-mail Penda Negonga President of NASUC

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